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Altered and Collaged Folded Books

Workshop led by Tanya Wilkinson 
Sept 23 - Sept 28, 2025 ​ ​ ​

Your journey in France's hidden gem

1. Pre-Arrival Preparation for the Workshop

To make the most of your workshop experience, gather the following items and pack them ahead of time:

  • Materials: Bring any images, small objects, collage papers, or text you'd like to work with.

  • Book to Upcycle: Select at least one book to transform into art.

  • Inspiration: Search online for examples of altered books and collage art. Use the attached worksheet to document examples that inspire you. Resources for your search are included in the worksheet. Save screenshots or print images of the examples you love most. If time is tight, you can conduct your search during the workshop's first evening.

2. Workshop Schedule

Arrival: Travel to Toulouse or Rodez via air, train, or rental car. Transfers can be coordinated.
Upon Arrival:

  • Settle into your room and unwind in the Château's serene park.

  • Explore the charming village and the Château de Balsac, discovering its architectural evolution and history.

Early Evening:

  • Welcome and Introductions: Meet fellow participants, your hosts, and the workshop leader. Share your goals, review the itinerary, and ask any questions.

  • Overview by Tanya: Explore examples of collaged accordion books and altered books. Discuss the idea of “no masterpieces” and the creative power of small failures.

Evening: Dinner in the Château dining room (7:00 PM).

Day 1 – September 25


  • Breakfast: 7:30 AM.

  • Session (8:15–10:30): Finding Ideas. Tanya will guide you in selecting themes for your books and understanding how to conceptualize them as art. Participants will share favorite examples, discussing what makes them effective.

  • Individual Meetings (10:30–12:00): Tanya will meet with each participant to brainstorm ideas, offering guidance on materials and project direction.


  • Lunch: 12:30 PM (location TBD).

  • Excursion (1:30–4:30 PM): Visit secondhand stores to source materials while enjoying local sights.

  • Creative Session (4:30 PM): Gather in the atelier for playful book-making exercises designed to overcome perfectionism. Tanya will assist participants ready to start their projects.

Evening: Dinner at the Château (8:00 PM). Explore the Château and park at sunset (9:00 PM).

Day 2 – September 26


  • Breakfast: 7:30 AM.

  • Session (8:30–10:00): Hands-on collage techniques and principles, focusing on creating a folding book.

  • Break (10:00–10:15).

  • Session (10:30–12:00): Practice altering book pages and, if ready, start your own altered book.


  • Lunch: 12:15 PM.

  • Excursion (2:00–5:00 PM): Visit a flea market for materials and sightseeing.

  • Free Time (5:00–7:45 PM): Work on your projects or conceptualize new ones. Tanya will be available for consultations.

Evening: Dinner at the Château (8:00 PM).

Day 3 – September 27


  • Breakfast: 7:30 AM.

  • Session (9:30–12:00): Focus on advancing your project. Tanya will assist with techniques and consultations. Decide on techniques or topics for Day 5.


  • Lunch in Rodez (12:30–2:00 PM): Enjoy dining at Bras Café.

  • Visit (2:00–5:00 PM): Tour the Soulages Museum and explore Rodez’s old town, including its cathedral and museums.


  • Feedback Session (5:15–7:00 PM): Share your progress, get feedback, and learn from others in an informal, supportive setting.

  • Dinner at the Château: 7:30 PM.

Day 4 – September 28


  • Breakfast: 9:00 AM.

  • Session (10:00 AM–12:00 PM): Tailored teaching based on group requests, followed by work on individual projects. Tanya will offer consultations.


  • Lunch: 12:15 PM.

  • Excursion (1:30–3:30 PM): Sightseeing and material-scouting outing.

  • Final Work Session (4:00–6:30 PM): Tanya will help you refine your projects and provide tips on finishing and preserving your artwork.

Evening: Dinner at the Château (8:00 PM).

Day 5 – September 29


  • Breakfast: Light breakfast at 7:30 AM.

  • Final Session (9:30–12:00 PM): Present works in progress, discuss completing projects at home, and brainstorm new ideas. Pack up your creations and materials for travel.


  • Brunch: 12:30 PM.

  • Departure: Transfers to train station by 2:00 PM for the 2:30 PM train to Toulouse.

Day 6 – September 30

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